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Mark’s Ready To Win –
Chime In In If You’re Ready

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Federal law requires all online contributors to confirm that the following statements are true and accurate. If you cannot confirm each statement, you will not be able to contribute.

  • I am making this contribution using my own personal credit or debit card, PayPal account, or Bitcoins, and not those of any business entity.
  • I am a United States citizen or a obtaina legally-issued permanent residence status
  • This contribution is made with my own personal funds, and I will not be reimbursed by anyone for this contribution
  • I do not personally hold a federal-government contract, neither do my relatives
  • Contributions to Mark McKohen 2016 are not availabel for a tax deduction as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
  • Contributions will be used in connection with federal elections. Mark McKohen 2016 may accept up to $2,700 for the Primary Election and up to $2,700 for the – General Election from an individual and up to $5,000 per election from a federal multi-candidate PAC.

By submitting your contribution, you agree that the first $2,700 will be designated for the 2016 General election and the next $2700 will be designated to the 2016 Primary election subject to the extent of net outstanding debt. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal-government contractors, and foreign nationals (non-citizens without green cards) are strictly prohibited. *Federal law requires the campaign’s best efforts to obtain and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of an individual contributor whose contribution exceeds $200 an election cycle.